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Organograma Engld



  • leao1The Commander of the Military Academy is a Major General of the Army, nominated and exonerated by the the Chief of Staff of the Army, from whom he directly depends and to whom he reports the accomplishment of the missions.

He is assisted by a Brigadier General as second in command and advisory and support Offices.

For more information see Command, Command Support Bodies and e Command and Advisory and Support Offices





The Research, Development and Innovation Centre of the Military Academy (CINAMIL) is a Research, Development and Innovation Centre (ID&I) has the mission of promoting or participating, in cooperation with other institutions of the national or international scientific community in ID&I projects and sharing of scientific knowledge, particularly in areas of interest to security and national defence.
CINAMIL has also the mission of supporting ID&I activities of the Army and GNR. CINAMIL, as research centre, has technical and scientific autonomy - For more information see Research.


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The Education Directorate of the Military Academy is the entity responsible for planning, programming, accomplishing and controlling the scientific, technical and cultural education of students.

It includes the professor board organized in Scientific Departments, the academic services responsible for planning, coordinating, managing and supporting educational activities, which are organized in the Department of Education Coordination and the Library and Museum.

In the dependence of this board there are the Course Advisory Committees, offices that assess evaluation, organization and functioning of the courses; Scientific Coordinators, responsible for the scientific academic activity and studies’ cycles; Course Directors, essential elements near the students and responsible for operational, educational and administrative coordination of the courses.

For more information see Teaching.




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The Cadets Corps of the Military Academy is the entity responsible for fitting the students of the formation courses, for planning, programming, accomplishing and controlling the military, behavioral and physical formation, as well as for the several military activities, in coordination with the academic, scientific and technical formation.

It includes Battalion and Company echelons that integrate students of different grades, through a command structure aiming at the development of the leadership and group integration capabilities, as well as an administrative support structure, to fulfill students’ academic and military needs.

The Cadets Corps is also responsible for the military formation and physical education, through its Military Formation Department.

For more information about the Cadets Corps and their activities, see Being a Cadet.




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The General Services and Administration Directorate has the mission of permitting the normal functioning of the logistic and administrative activities of the Military Academy, as well as the security and defence of its facilities, ensuring the efficiency of the services and the celerity of the resources available.